Links (Video)

February 16, 2025 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

“Conquering Faith”

~I Samuel 17               Pastor Kirk Larson


When you face a giant problem or situation, how do you handle it?  Do you overcome it…or does it overcome you?  In I John 5, it states, “…this is the victory that has overcome the world…our faith.”  This message looks at conquering faith over a giant.


  1. What is Conquering Faith?


  • Recalls Previous Victories



  • Reassured by the Proper Motivation



  • Rejects the Discouragement of Others



  • Recognizes the True Nature of the Challenge



  • Responds to Challenges with a Positive Confession



  • Relies on the Power of God in the Challenge



  • Reckons the Victory Complete Before the Battle Begins
February 16, 2025 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

“Conquering Faith”

~I Samuel 17               Pastor Kirk Larson


When you face a giant problem or situation, how do you handle it?  Do you overcome it…or does it overcome you?  In I John 5, it states, “…this is the victory that has overcome the world…our faith.”  This message looks at conquering faith over a giant.


  1. What is Conquering Faith?


  • Recalls Previous Victories



  • Reassured by the Proper Motivation



  • Rejects the Discouragement of Others



  • Recognizes the True Nature of the Challenge



  • Responds to Challenges with a Positive Confession



  • Relies on the Power of God in the Challenge



  • Reckons the Victory Complete Before the Battle Begins
February 9, 2025 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

“Power in the Blood”

~Selected Scriptures               Pastor Kirk Larson

The Bible treats blood as sacred fluid, symbolic of life, which is itself the gift of God. Through the blood of Christ, God gives to man the opportunity to be cleansed from sins.  This is called atonement.

  1. The Precious Blood of Christ
  • It Redeems Us


  • It Blots Out Sin


  • It Brings Us Near


  • It Makes Peace


  • It Justifies Us


  • It Cleanses Us


  • It Gives Boldness


February 9, 2025 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

“Power in the Blood”

~Selected Scriptures               Pastor Kirk Larson

The Bible treats blood as sacred fluid, symbolic of life, which is itself the gift of God. Through the blood of Christ, God gives to man the opportunity to be cleansed from sins.  This is called atonement.

  1. The Precious Blood of Christ
  • It Redeems Us


  • It Blots Out Sin


  • It Brings Us Near


  • It Makes Peace


  • It Justifies Us


  • It Cleanses Us


  • It Gives Boldness


February 2, 2025 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

Foundational Love

~1 John 4: 7-11               Pastor Kirk Larson

In our scripture text, John provides us with an understanding of “Foundational Love,” and how it is expressed in our lives.  If we are united to God through faith in Christ, we share His nature, and His nature is love.

  1. What God IsGod is Love


  1. What God DidHe Sent His Son


  1. What God WantsFor Us to Love One Another
February 2, 2025 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

Foundational Love

~1 John 4: 7-11               Pastor Kirk Larson

In our scripture text, John provides us with an understanding of “Foundational Love,” and how it is expressed in our lives.  If we are united to God through faith in Christ, we share His nature, and His nature is love.

  1. What God IsGod is Love


  1. What God DidHe Sent His Son


  1. What God WantsFor Us to Love One Another
January 28, 2025, funeral service for Clifford Reiss

The funeral service that was held at the church on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, for Clifford Reiss can be found on our Facebook page by clicking the above link.

Janaury 26, 2025 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube Link)

The Impact of Heaven

~Selected Scriptures               Pastor Kirk Larson

Heaven is the place God’s people will go when they die or when the Lord returns.  Jesus gave a promise to His followers that, “I go to prepare a place for you…I will come again and receive you…that where I am, there you may be also. “  (John 14: 2-3)  Heaven is more than a destination, it should impact how we live each day.

  1. The Impact of Heaven
  2. 1.


  1. 2.           


  1. 3.


  1. 4.


  1. The Implication of Heaven
  2. 1.


  1. 2.        


  1. 3.


  1. 4.


  1. 5.        
January 26, 2025 Grace Community Church (Facebook link)

The Impact of Heaven

~Selected Scriptures               Pastor Kirk Larson

Heaven is the place God’s people will go when they die or when the Lord returns.  Jesus gave a promise to His followers that, “I go to prepare a place for you…I will come again and receive you…that where I am, there you may be also. “  (John 14: 2-3)  Heaven is more than a destination, it should impact how we live each day.

  1. The Impact of Heaven
  2. 1.


  1. 2.           


  1. 3.


  1. 4.


  1. The Implication of Heaven
  2. 1.


  1. 2.        


  1. 3.


  1. 4.


  1. 5.        
January 12, 2025 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

“Two Ways to Live!”

~Psalm 1               Pastor Kirk Larson

Every person in life has a choice to make on how they are going to live their livers.  It’s a choice of a God-centered life rather than an ungodly life.  It’s a choice of blessing or curses.  It’s a choice of heaven or hell.  What choice have you made?

  1. The God-Centered Life
  • The Godly Man’s Way


  • The Godly Man’s Wants


  • The Godly Man’s Well-Being


  1. The Ungodly Life
  • He is Driven


  • He is Doomed


  • He is Damned
January 12, 2025 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

“Two Ways to Live!”

~Psalm 1               Pastor Kirk Larson

Every person in life has a choice to make on how they are going to live their livers.  It’s a choice of a God-centered life rather than an ungodly life.  It’s a choice of blessing or curses.  It’s a choice of heaven or hell.  What choice have you made?

  1. The God-Centered Life
  • The Godly Man’s Way


  • The Godly Man’s Wants


  • The Godly Man’s Well-Being


  1. The Ungodly Life
  • He is Driven


  • He is Doomed


  • He is Damned
December 29, 2024 Grace Community Church (YouTube link)

An Upward Call for 2025”

~Selected Scriptures

Pastor Kirk Larson

It’s hard to believe that another year is ending, and a new year is about to begin.  When you think about what God has done for those who believe in Jesus, there are similarities to the passing from one year to next.  In Christ, we leave an old sinful life for a new living life; old things are to be left in the past and new things are ahead.  A new year provides new opportunities in Christ for us to walk in newness of life.

  1. Determine a Positive Outlook toward Life


  1. Develop a Positive Attitude toward the Church


  1. Display a Positive Attitude toward Others
December 29, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook Link)

An Upward Call for 2025”

~Selected Scriptures

Pastor Kirk Larson

It’s hard to believe that another year is ending, and a new year is about to begin.  When you think about what God has done for those who believe in Jesus, there are similarities to the passing from one year to next.  In Christ, we leave an old sinful life for a new living life; old things are to be left in the past and new things are ahead.  A new year provides new opportunities in Christ for us to walk in newness of life.

  1. Determine a Positive Outlook toward Life


  1. Develop a Positive Attitude toward the Church


  1. Display a Positive Attitude toward Others
December 22, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

Bear Witness to the Light”

~Matthew 5: 14-16

Pastor Kirk Larson

When John the Baptist came on the scene, he was sent from God that he might bear witness of the light.  Jesus is the “Light of the World” and just as John was called to bear witness of the light, we too, are called to do the same.  “In Him was life and the life was the light of men.”  (John 1:4)

  1. The Light must be lit


  1. The Light must be set


  1. The Light must be fed


  1. The Light must be sheltered


  1. The Light must be trimmed


December 22, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

Bear Witness to the Light”

~Matthew 5: 14-16

Pastor Kirk Larson


When John the Baptist came on the scene, he was sent from God that he might bear witness of the light.  Jesus is the “Light of the World” and just as John was called to bear witness of the light, we too, are called to do the same.  “In Him was life and the life was the light of men.”  (John 1:4)

The Light must be lit

The Light must be set

The Light must be fed

The Light must be sheltered

The Light must be trimmed


December 15, 2024 Grace Community Church Moring Service (YouTube link)

The Greatest Gift”

~Selected Scriptures

Pastor Kirk Larson

We all can remember a time when we received a gift, and that gift was one of the greatest gifts we had ever received.  The Apostle Paul reminds Christians of a gift that we have received and how it’s changed our lives both in the present and the future.  This is the greatest gift.

  1. The Gift of God


  1. The Gift of Blessings


  1. The Gift to Share




December 15, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

The Greatest Gift”

~Selected Scriptures

Pastor Kirk Larson

We all can remember a time when we received a gift, and that gift was one of the greatest gifts we had ever received.  The Apostle Paul reminds Christians of a gift that we have received and how it’s changed our lives both in the present and the future.  This is the greatest gift.

  1. The Gift of God


  1. The Gift of Blessings


  1. The Gift to Share




December 1, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

“The Coming of God’s Grace”

~Titus 2: 11-15

Pastor Kirk Larson

Without the Grace of God, we would have no hope, no life, no meaning, no purpose. In fact, we would have nothing.  But the good news is, that God’s grace has come through the person of Jesus Christ.  God’s grace provides us with everything we need in this life.

  1. The Message of Grace
  2. The Mandate of Grace
  3. The Motivation of Grace


November 24, 2024, Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

“Living a Life of Thankfulness”

~Selected Scriptures

Pastor Kirk Larson

Thankfulness is a prominent Bible theme.  The Bible is filled with commands to give thanks to God.  Giving thanks to God keeps our hearts in a right relationship with Him and saves us from a host of harmful emotions and attitudes.

  1. The Importance of Giving Thanks


  1. The Insult of Ingratitude and Ungratefulness


  1. The Investment of Giving Thanks in Everything


November 24, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

"Living a Life of Thankfulness”

~Selected Scriptures

Pastor Kirk Larson

Thankfulness is a prominent Bible theme.  The Bible is filled with commands to give thanks to God.  Giving thanks to God keeps our hearts in a right relationship with Him and saves us from a host of harmful emotions and attitudes.

  1. The Importance of Giving Thanks


  1. The Insult of Ingratitude and Ungratefulness


  1. The Investment of Giving Thanks in Everything


November 17, 2024 Garce Community Church Morning Service (YouTube Link)

“Mature Faith”

           ~Philippians 1: 1-11

          Pastor Nathan Davis


God desires all of His children to grow in their faith

and draw closer to their Savior during their time on

 earth.  This may see like a burden to some, but for Paul

 and the Philippian church, it was a joyful experience

to mature in their faith, and it can be for us as well.

  1. Mature Faith Serves Consistently


  1. Mature Faith is not Ashamed of the Gospel


  1. Mature Faith Overflows with Love


  1. Mature Faith Establishes Godly Priorities


  1. Mature Faith Encourages Others



November 17, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook Link)

     “Mature Faith”

           ~Philippians 1: 1-11

          Pastor Nathan Davis


God desires all of His children to grow in their faith

and draw closer to their Savior during their time on

 earth.  This may see like a burden to some, but for Paul

 and the Philippian church, it was a joyful experience

to mature in their faith, and it can be for us as well.

  1. Mature Faith Serves Consistently


  1. Mature Faith is not Ashamed of the Gospel


  1. Mature Faith Overflows with Love


  1. Mature Faith Establishes Godly Priorities


  1. Mature Faith Encourages Others



November 10, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

“Mission Readiness”

~Ephesians 6: 11-13

Jim Nelson

Our Mission


Our Struggle is not Against Flesh and Blood


Compromise is the Battleground


Ours is the Victory

November 10, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

“Mission Readiness”

~Ephesians 6: 11-13

Jim Nelson

Our Mission


Our Struggle is not Against Flesh and Blood


Compromise is the Battleground


Ours is the Victory

November 3, 024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

“The Secret of Contentment”

~Philippians 4: 10-14

Pastor Nathan Davis

We are not born with contentment in our heart.  Because of sinfulness and pride, we are naturally inclined to discontentment and restlessness.  Today we are going to see how we can live a life of contentment and not be a victim of our circumstances, but a victor over our circumstances.

  1. The Lesson of Contentment (4: 11)


  1. The Teacher of Contentment (4: 12)


  1. The Power for Contentment (4: 13-14)
November 3, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

“The Secret of Contentment”

~Philippians 4: 10-14

Pastor Nathan Davis

We are not born with contentment in our heart.  Because of sinfulness and pride, we are naturally inclined to discontentment and restlessness.  Today we are going to see how we can live a life of contentment and not be a victim of our circumstances, but a victor over our circumstances.

  1. The Lesson of Contentment (4: 11)


  1. The Teacher of Contentment (4: 12)


  1. The Power for Contentment (4: 13-14)
October 27, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

                                                  “Not of this World”

                                                                             ~John 17: 13-19

                                                                         Pastor Nathan Davis

Christians are unique.  Some may say we are quirky, strange, and weird.  They are correct, we are weird.  Christians are indeed different because we are not of this world.  However, the world is exactly where Christ wants us, and we can live in the world with…

  1. Joy.
  2. Protection.
  3. Purpose.
  4. Mission
October 27, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

                                               “Not of this World”

                                                                         ~John 17: 13-19

                                                                    Pastor Nathan Davis

Christians are unique.  Some may say we are quirky, strange, and weird.  They are correct, we are weird.  Christians are indeed different because we are not of this world.  However, the world is exactly where Christ wants us, and we can live in the world with…

  1. Joy.
  2. Protection.
  3. Purpose.
  4. Mission
October 20, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

                                        “The Election and the Christian”

                                                                      ~Selected Scriptures

                                                                       Pastor Kirk Larson


Every four years, Americans have the privilege and opportunity to cast their vote for the next President of the United States.  How one goes about determining who to vote for varies from person to person.  But as Christians, we should have a set of guidelines and principles to guide us in our vote.

  1. Should Christians Vote?


  1. How Should a Christian View Politics


  1. Two Parties’ Platforms
October 20, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (Facebook link)

                                        “The Election and the Christian”

                                                                       ~Selected Scriptures

                                                                         Pastor Kirk Larson

Every four years, Americans have the privilege and opportunity to cast their vote for the next President of the United States.  How one goes about determining who to vote for varies from person to person.  But as Christians, we should have a set of guidelines and principles to guide us in our vote.

  1. Should Christians Vote?


  1. How Should a Christian View Politics


  1. Two Parties’ Platforms
October 13, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

                                       “The Starting of a Good Work”

                                                                           ~Philippians 1: 6

                                                                         Pastor Kirk Larson

The “Good Work” which God begins in us is salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. But salvation is just the starting point of the good work that God will accomplish in us.  The Apostle Paul provides insight into what God can do, and will do, as we respond to Him. 

  1. God Working in Us


  1. The Means of God’s Work


  1. The Result of God’s Work
October 13, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service (FaceBook link)

                                      “The Starting of a Good Work”

                                                                       ~Philippians 1: 6

                                                                     Pastor Kirk Larson

The “Good Work” which God begins in us is salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. But salvation is just the starting point of the good work that God will accomplish in us.  The Apostle Paul provides insight into what God can do, and will do, as we respond to Him. 

  1. God Working in Us


  1. The Means of God’s Work


  1. The Result of God’s Work
October 6, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube Link)

                                   “The Starting of a Good Work”

                                                                ~Philippians 1: 6

                                                              Pastor Kirk Larson

The “Good Work” which God begins in us is salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. But salvation is just the starting point of the good work that God will accomplish in us.  The Apostle Paul provides insight into what God can do, and will do, as we respond to Him. 

  1. God Working in Us


  1. The Means of God’s Work


  1. The Result of God’s Work
October 6, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook Link)

                                  “The Starting of a Good Work”

                                                                 ~Philippians 1: 6

                                                               Pastor Kirk Larson

The “Good Work” which God begins in us is salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. But salvation is just the starting point of the good work that God will accomplish in us.  The Apostle Paul provides insight into what God can do, and will do, as we respond to Him. 

  • God Working in Us
  • The Means of God’s Work
  • The Result of God’s Work
September 22, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

“Letting Go of Hurt”

~Matthew 6; 9-15

Pastor Kirk Larson

We all have been hurt in one way or another.  How we have dealt with hurt has allowed us to either be set free or placed under bondage.  God wants us to know and experience the gift of forgiveness in our lives, regarding Him and others.

  1. Importance of Forgiveness


  1. How do we Forgive?


  1. How do we Walk in Forgiveness?
September 22, 2024, Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

“Letting Go of Hurt”

~Matthew 6; 9-15

Pastor Kirk Larson

We all have been hurt in one way or another.  How we have dealt with hurt has allowed us to either be set free or placed under bondage.  God wants us to know and experience the gift of forgiveness in our lives, regarding Him and others.

  1. Importance of Forgiveness


  1. How do we Forgive?


  1. How do we Walk in Forgiveness?
September 15, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

“Handling Stress”

~Psalm 46

Pastor Kirk Larson

Have you ever said, “I’m stressed out!”? I’m sure you have and I have confidence that most others have said it too. Stress robs life, peace and comfort.  It interrupts our joy and impacts our relationship with God. Someone has said, “Three words describe our times:  hurry, worry, and bury.”

  • Natural Events


  • Civil Disturbances


  • Personal Crisis
September 15, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

“Handling Stress”

~Psalm 46

Pastor Kirk Larson

Have you ever said, “I’m stressed out!”? I’m sure you have and I have confidence that most others have said it too. Stress robs life, peace and comfort.  It interrupts our joy and impacts our relationship with God. Someone has said, “Three words describe our times:  hurry, worry, and bury.”

  • Natural Events


  • Civil Disturbances


  • Personal Crisis
September 1, 2024, Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

“Prepared for Good Works”

~Ephesians 2: 10, Titus 3: 3-8

Pastor Kirk Larson

You were created in Christ Jesus for good works!  These works have been prepared by God for you to walk in them.  The Apostle Paul challenges us with three attitudes that can motivate us to live out the works that God has prepared.

  • Never Forget the Life from which you have been Rescued.


  • God’s Grace has Freely Forgiven and Transformed.


  • New Identity energizes and equips to do good.
September 1, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

“Prepared for Good Works”

~Ephesians 2: 10, Titus 3: 3-8

Pastor Kirk Larson

You were created in Christ Jesus for good works!  These works have been prepared by God for you to walk in them.  The Apostle Paul challenges us with three attitudes that can motivate us to live out the works that God has prepared.

  • Never Forget the Life from which you have been Rescued.


  • God’s Grace has Freely Forgiven and Transformed.


  • New Identity energizes and equips to do good.
August 25, 2024 Grace Community Church (YouTube link)

“Pillars of Stability”

~Philippians 4:1

Pastor Kirk Larson

What is the foundation of your life?  How stable are you in life?  How do you face difficult times and situations?  In Philippians, Chapter four, Paul states, “Stand firm…in the Lord.” What does that mean for sure?  In this chapter, Paul provides us with four pillars of stability that enable us to stand firm.

  • Persistent Prayer


  • Proper Thinking


  • Practical Obedience


August 25, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (Facebook Link)

“Pillars of Stability”

~Philippians 4:1

Pastor Kirk Larson

What is the foundation of your life?  How stable are you in life?  How do you face difficult times and situations?  In Philippians, Chapter four, Paul states, “Stand firm…in the Lord.” What does that mean for sure?  In this chapter, Paul provides us with four pillars of stability that enable us to stand firm.

  • Persistent Prayer


  • Proper Thinking


  • Practical Obedience


August 18, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

“Tips for the School Year”

~Proverbs 1: 8-9

Pastor Kirk Larson

The school year has begun and for some, that brings excitement and joy, and for others, sadness and sorrow.  Regardless of how you view the school year, learning is an ongoing part of our lives and that is a good and exciting opportunity.  As we go through this school year, here are three practical tips that can enrich and bless our lives and the lives of others.

  • Pay Attention to All in Authority


  • Don’t Give in to Peer Pressure


  • Make Jesus the Lord of your Life
August 18, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (Facebook Link)

“Tips for the School Year”

~Proverbs 1: 8-9

Pastor Kirk Larson

The school year has begun and for some, that brings excitement and joy, and for others, sadness and sorrow.  Regardless of how you view the school year, learning is an ongoing part of our lives and that is a good and exciting opportunity.  As we go through this school year, here are three practical tips that can enrich and bless our lives and the lives of others.

  • Pay Attention to All in Authority


  • Don’t Give in to Peer Pressure


  • Make Jesus the Lord of your Life
August 11, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

“The Persistence of Faith”

~Luke 18: 35-43

Pastor Nathan Davis

A mass of people headed in the same direction is powerful force, and can be a good thing when the crowd is pursuing the right things.  When the crowd is headed in the wrong direction, our faith and beliefs can be challenged. We need to persist in our faith no matter what, because the result is worth it.

  • The Knowledge of the Savior (vs. 35-38)


  • Fuels the Persistence of Faith (vs. 39-41)


  • Resulting in Blessing and Glory (vs. 42-43)
August 11, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

“The Persistence of Faith”

~Luke 18: 35-43

Pastor Nathan Davis

A mass of people headed in the same direction is powerful force, and can be a good thing when the crowd is pursuing the right things.  When the crowd is headed in the wrong direction, our faith and beliefs can be challenged. We need to persist in our faith no matter what, because the result is worth it.

  • The Knowledge of the Savior (vs. 35-38)


  • Fuels the Persistence of Faith (vs. 39-41)


  • Resulting in Blessing and Glory (vs. 42-43)
August 4, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (Facebook link)

“Knowing the Time”

~Romans 13: 11-14

Pastor Kirk Larson

In this passage, Paul challenges and exhorts believers to do three things as they look toward future happenings.  He uses phrases like… “knowing the time,” “night is almost gone, “ “the day is at hand,” to emphasize a call to action. Will we heed the warning and call and live in readiness?

  • Wake Up
  • Cast Off
  • Put On
July 28, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (Facebook link)

                                        “Pick Your Way”

~Psalm 1

Pastor Kirk Larson


Every day we have been given the opportunity to choose the way we want to live.  In Psalm 1, we find the contrasting differences between man’s way and God’s way.  One way is fruitful and blessed and the other way is barren and hopeless.

  • Man's Way


  • God's Way












July 28, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

                                     “Pick Your Way”

~Psalm 1

Pastor Kirk Larson


Every day we have been given the opportunity to choose the way we want to live.  In Psalm 1, we find the contrasting differences between man’s way and God’s way.  One way is fruitful and blessed and the other way is barren and hopeless.


  • Man's Way


  • God's Way











July 21, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (Facebook Link)

“Finding Fulfillment”

~Colossians 2: 6-15

Pastor Nathan Davis

God wants Christians to experience the fullness they have in Christ, and we are given a blueprint to finding fulfillment.  When we follow the path and avoid the danger, we can find fulfillment as we trust the Guide.

  • Follow the Path (2: 6-7)


  • Avoid the Danger (2:8)


  • Find Fulfillment (2: 9-10)


  • Trust the Guide (2: 11-15)


July 14, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (Facebook Link)

“If I Only had Today”

~Selected Scriptures

Pastor Kirk Larson

What would you do if you only had today?  What would your priority list look like? James asks us that question by saying that life is like a vapor; it appears for a little while and then vanishes away.  Are we making the most of our time?

  • Foolish Living


  • Wise Living


July 14, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

“If I Only had Today”

~Selected Scriptures

Pastor Kirk Larson

What would you do if you only had today?  What would your priority list look like? James asks us that question by saying that life is like a vapor; it appears for a little while and then vanishes away.  Are we making the most of our time?

  • Foolish Living
  • Wise Living


July 7, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

“Losing Freedom”

~Galatians 5: 1-25

Pastor Kirk Larson

Freedom is a blessed thing in the lives of people and a country.  We know that freedom is not free but comes as a result of sacrifice and cost. Our freedom as a country however, is slowly being lost as people and leaders devalue Christian morals and principles. The Apostle Paul speaks to this issue of losing freedom personally and as a nation.

  • Keep Standing Firm (vs. 1)


  • Who Hindered You? (vs. 7-10)


  • Freedom is not a License to Sin (vs. 13-15)


  • Selfish Lusts Leads to Bondage (vs. 16, 19-21)


  • Freedom in the Fruit of the Spirit (vs. 22-25)
July 7, 2024 Grace Community Church Moring Service (Facebook Link)

“Losing Freedom”

~Galatians 5: 1-25

Pastor Kirk Larson

Freedom is a blessed thing in the lives of people and a country.  We know that freedom is not free but comes as a result of sacrifice and cost. Our freedom as a country however, is slowly being lost as people and leaders devalue Christian morals and principles. The Apostle Paul speaks to this issue of losing freedom personally and as a nation.

  • Keep Standing Firm (vs. 1)


  • Who Hindered You? (vs. 7-10)


  • Freedom is not a License to Sin (vs. 13-15)


  • Selfish Lusts Leads to Bondage (vs. 16, 19-21)


  • Freedom in the Fruit of the Spirit (vs. 22-25)
June 30 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

“Living for What?”

~II Corinthian 5:9

What would you say that you are living for?  Many people go through life, from one event to another, from one day to the next, without ever considering what they are living for. God’s Word challenges us to establish a worthy goal for living.

  • We are a New Creation
  • We have Experienced the Love of God
  • We have ministry from Christ
  • We will Spend Eternity with God
  • We will ALL Stand before Christ
June 30, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

“Living for What?”

~II Corinthian 5:9

What would you say that you are living for?  Many people go through life, from one event to another, from one day to the next, without ever considering what they are living for. God’s Word challenges us to establish a worthy goal for living.

  • We are a New Creation


  • We have Experienced the Love of God


  • We have ministry from Christ


  • We will Spend Eternity with God


  • We will ALL Stand before Christ
June 23, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

“Recognizing God’s Voice”

~Selected Scriptures        Pastor Kirk Larson

There are times in our lives that we need to hear from God. We need to hear what God is saying.  In those times, how do we know if we are hearing from God, somebody else, or the devil himself? Who or what is influencing me in this decision or direction?

  • Consistent with the Word


  • Conflict with Human Reason


  • Led to Humility of Heart


  • Challenge our Faith


  • Calls for Courage


  • Requires Patience


  • Will be Consequences


  • Peace of God


  • Devotion to Prayer
June 23, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (Facebook link)

“Recognizing God’s Voice”

~Selected Scriptures        Pastor Kirk Larson

There are times in our lives that we need to hear from God. We need to hear what God is saying.  In those times, how do we know if we are hearing from God, somebody else, or the devil himself? Who or what is influencing me in this decision or direction?

  • Consistent with the Word
  • Conflict with Human Reason
  • Led to Humility of Heart
  • Challenge our Faith
  • Calls for Courage
  • Requires Patience
  • Will be Consequences
  • Peace of God
  • Devotion to Prayer
June 16, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube Link)

“A Simple Message, Spoken Simply”

~1 Corinthians 2: 1-5

Pastor Nathan Davis

One of the true joys of being a Chistian is telling others about Jesus.  This morning, we will look at a simple plan for sharing our faith.  It does not have to be intimidating or overwhelming.  When we get out of the way and put the entire focus on Christ, we can share a simple message in a simple way.

  • Method of Evangelism


  • Message of Evangelism


  • Mindset of Evangelism
June 16, 2025 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook Link)

“A Simple Message, Spoken Simply”

~1 Corinthians 2: 1-5

Pastor Nathan Davis

One of the true joys of being a Christian is telling others about Jesus.  This morning, we will look at a simple plan for sharing our faith.  It does not have to be intimidating or overwhelming.  When we get out of the way and put the entire focus on Christ, we can share a simple message in a simple way.


  • Method of Evangelism


  • Message of Evangelism


  • Mindset of Evangelism
June 9, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube Link)

“Do This is Remembrance of Me”

~Selected Scriptures

The night that Jesus was betrayed, He introduced a new covenant through the Passover Meal Celebration. Taking bread and wine, He used these common elements to represent this broken body and shed blood.  We call this the “Lord’s Supper,” also called communion or the Eucharist. The Lord’s Supper enables us to identify with God’s deliverance from sin and its penalty through Jesus’ death on the cross.

  1. Remembrance of Jesus


  1. Old/New Covenant


  1. Examine Yourself


June 9, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook Link)

“Do This is Remembrance of Me”

~Selected Scriptures

The night that Jesus was betrayed, He introduced a new covenant through the Passover Meal Celebration. Taking bread and wine, He used these common elements to represent this broken body and shed blood.  We call this the “Lord’s Supper,” also called communion or the Eucharist. The Lord’s Supper enables us to identify with God’s deliverance from sin and its penalty through Jesus’ death on the cross.

  1. Remembrance of Jesus


  1. Old/New Covenant


  1. Examine Yourself


June 2, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

“God’s Open Doors”

~Revelation 3: 7-8

Each day of our lives, God puts open doors before us to be involved in His work and service.  These open doors can be general opportunities for ministry in the lives of others, or they can be more specific in God’s direction for us personally. How we respond to these open doors determines our spiritual growth and usefulness to our Lord.

  1. Why We Don’t’ Open the Door


  1. God’s Open Doors


June 2, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

“God’s Open Doors”

~Revelation 3: 7-8

Each day of our lives, God puts open doors before us to be involved in His work and service.  These open doors can be general opportunities for ministry in the lives of others, or they can be more specific in God’s direction for us personally. How we respond to these open doors determines our spiritual growth and usefulness to our Lord.

  1. Why We Don’t’ Open the Door


  1. God’s Open Doors


May 26, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

“A Good Soldier”

~II Timothy 2: 3-4

This weekend we observe “Memorial Day,” in which we honor all the “Good Soldiers” who gave their lives for this country and secured the freedoms we enjoy.  There is also the call to believers to be “Good Soldiers” in the spiritual fight, and freedom over sin.  God’s Word provides us with some marks of a “Good Soldier.”

  1. A Good Soldier is a Follower


  1. A Good Soldier is a Fighter


  1. A Good Soldier is Familiar


  1. A Good Soldier is Faithful


  1. A Good Soldier is Focused


May 26, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

“A Good Soldier”

~II Timothy 2: 3-4

This weekend we observe “Memorial Day,” in which we honor all the “Good Soldiers” who gave their lives for this country and secured the freedoms we enjoy.  There is also the call to believers to be “Good Soldiers” in the spiritual fight, and freedom over sin.  God’s Word provides us with some marks of a “Good Soldier.”

  1. A Good Soldier is a Follower


  1. A Good Soldier is a Fighter


  1. A Good Soldier is Familiar


  1. A Good Soldier is Faithful


  1. A Good Soldier is Focused


May 19, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

“Defending the Faith”

~Philippians 1: 27-30

As believers, we are children in the family of God, enjoying the fellowship of the Gospel. We are servants sharing in the furtherance of the Gospel, but we are also soldiers defending the faith of the Gospel.  In Philippians, we are given three essentials for defending the faith.

  • Consistency


  • Cooperation


  • Confidence



May 12, 2024 (Mother's Day) Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

"The Blessing of Mom”

~Proverbs 31

Perhaps of those who have the greatest impact on our lives, are “Mothers.”  God created something special in mothers that influences us with inspiration, courage, tenderness, comfort, forgiveness, instruction and much more.  May the Lord strengthen and bless all mothers for their labor of love and work of faith.

 The Blessing of Availability


 The Blessing of Involvement


 The Blessing of Teaching


 The Blessing of Training


 The Blessing of Discipline


The Blessing of Nurture


The Blessing of Integrity


May 12, 2024 (Mother's Day) Grace Community Church Morning Service (Facebook link)

The Blessing of Mom”

~Proverbs 31

Perhaps of those who have the greatest impact on our lives, are “Mothers.”  God created something special in mothers that influences us with inspiration, courage, tenderness, comfort, forgiveness, instruction and much more.  May the Lord strengthen and bless all mothers for their labor of love and work of faith.

 The Blessing of Availability


 The Blessing of Involvement


 The Blessing of Teaching


 The Blessing of Training


 The Blessing of Discipline


The Blessing of Nurture


The Blessing of Integrity


may 5, 2024 Grace Community Church (YouTube link)

“Being in Tune with God”

~Matthew 4: 17-22

When God speaks to you, revealing what he wants for you, that revelation is your invitation to adjust your life to Him. When you adjust to Him, you are in a position to obey.  At this point you are “in tune with God.”

  • What You Believe?


  • What Adjustments are Needed?


  • What Will You Do?


May 5, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service (FaceBook link)

“Being in Tune with God”

~Matthew 4: 17-22

When God speaks to you, revealing what he wants for you, that revelation is your invitation to adjust your life to Him. When you adjust to Him, you are in a position to obey.  At this point you are “in tune with God.”

  • What You Believe?


  • What Adjustments are Needed?


  • What Will You Do?
April 28, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“What Happens when God is Removed?

~Daniel 1

  In America, we are witnessing what happens when God is removed from our lives and our society.  This process has been occurring over a number of centuries.  It is said that God died in the nineteenth century; man died in the twentieth century.  For when God is dead, man becomes an untamed beast.  But Daniel shows us how to put God back into our living and society.

  • We Must be People of Conviction


  • We Must be People of Character


  • We Must be People of Courage


April 21, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Overcoming Temptation”

~James 1: 13-16

 We live in a world with temptation all around us.  It comes in all shapes and sizes and when we least expect it.  But the good news is, we can overcome temptation and God, in His Word, equips us to do so.  James provides us with the truth concerning temptation.

  • Where does Temptation Come From?



  • How do we Resist Temptation?


  • Guarding our Hearts and Minds


Funeral for Andrew Joseph Cole 4-19-24

Follow the link to watch the FaceBook livestream video from 4-19-24.

March 28, 2024 Living Last Supper (YouTube link)

While they were eating, Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and giving it to His disciples said,

“Take and eat; this is my body.”

Then He took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them saying,

“Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the new covenant, which will be shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, from now on, I shall not drink this fruit of the vine until the day when I drink it with you new in the kingdom of my Father.  ~Matthew 26: 26-29

4-7-24 Grace Community Church Morning Service (YouTube link)

                            “What are you Passing On?

~Deuteronomy 6: 1-9

  As Christians, we have an obligation and opportunity to pass on and share the things of God with our family, friends and others who come into our lives.  In Psalm 145, Verse 4, it says, “One generation shall praise Thy works to another, and shall declare Thy mighty acts.”

  • What to Pass On


  • God’s Presence and Assurance



  • How to Pass On
4-14-24 Grace Community Church Service (YouTube link)

                              “What is Your Level of Commitment?”

~Romans 12: 1-2


These two verses form a bridge between principles and practice; a link between theology and life. Romans 1-8 sets forth the principles of the Gospel and chapters 12-16 deal with the practice of the Gospel. Therefore, it requires a thorough understanding and an obedient application to the believer’s life.

  • The Appeal for our Commitment


  • The Attitude of our Commitment


  • The Arrangement of our Commitment


  • The Affects of our Commitments


April 14, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service

                               “What is Your Level of Commitment?”

~Romans 12: 1-2

 These two verses form a bridge between principles and practice; a link between theology and life. Romans 1-8 sets forth the principles of the Gospel and chapters 12-16 deal with the practice of the Gospel. Therefore, it requires a thorough understanding and an obedient application to the believer’s life.

  • The Appeal for our Commitment


  • The Attitude of our Commitment


  • The Arrangement of our Commitment


  • The Affects of our Commitments
April 7, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service

                           “What are you Passing On?

~Deuteronomy 6: 1-9

 As Christians, we have an obligation and opportunity to pass on and share the things of God with our family, friends and others who come into our lives.  In Psalm 145, Verse 4, it says, “One generation shall praise Thy works to another, and shall declare Thy mighty acts.”

  • What to Pass On



  • God’s Presence and Assurance



  • How to Pass On
Easter Sunday Service, March 31, 2024, Grace Community Church

“The Road to the Final Four”

~Selected Scriptures

There is nothing like the thrill of victory!  Whether it is in sports, overcoming a challenge, fighting through a difficulty or achieving a goal, victory is a sweet and glorious moment.  In a very real sense, we can summarize Jesus’ work on earth in one word~ VICTORY! It is through the victory of Jesus that we too can experience victory in our lives.

  • Suffering Savior
  • Dying Conqueror
  • Rising Victor
  • Interceding Lord
Maundy Thursday "Living Last Supper" March 28, 2024

Maundy Thursday "The Living Last Supper"


Live Stream of the presentation by Grace Community Church of "The Living Last Supper."

March 24, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“The Meaning of Palm Sunday”

~John 12: 12-19

What is Palm Sunday all about?  What was Jesus’ agenda in this event?  The multitude wanted a different Jesus than the Jesus that rode in to Jerusalem. Do we all miss the true Jesus?  Do we follow Him for the wrong reason?

  • Attention to His Purpose


  • Comprehension of His Purpose



  • Devotion to His Purpose


March 17, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“On What are you Building Your Life?”

~Matthew 7: 24-27

Everyone builds his life on something. Perhaps it’s a philosophy, a religion, a vocation or even the pursuit of pleasure. Through a parable Jesus teaches us what is needed to secure a foundation for life.  Without the right foundation, your life is on sinking sand.

  • The Importance of the Foundation


  • The Impact of a Storm



  • The Instruction of God’s Word
March 10, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Does Jesus Know You?”

~Matthew 7: 21-23

The Apostle Paul says in II Timothy 3: 5, that in the last days, people will have a form of godliness, but no real change in their lives.  In our Scripture text, Jesus confronts this form of godliness and tells the religious crowd that, “I never knew you.”  People may know about Jesus, but does Jesus know them?

  • More than Profession
  • More than Production
  • More than Performance


March 3, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing”

~Matthew 7: 15-20

Jesus gives us a warning about false teachers who speak lies and perverse things to draw believers away from the truth.  They are like wolves in sheep’s clothing.  Jesus provides us with some tests to reveal the true nature of these teachers.



  • Spotting a Wolf






  • Examining the Fruit










  • Be Fruitful
February 25, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Two Ways in Life”

~Matthew 7: 13-14

Everyone is faced with a decision and that decision determines our pathway in life, now and forever.  In Jesus’ message, He contrasts two ways that we can live our lives.  Each way has a final destination.  There is no middle ground.  Which way have you chosen?

  • Two Gates


  • Two Ways


  • Two Destinies


  • Two Groups


February 18, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service

                                                    “The Golden Rule”

~Matthew 7:12


Most people have heard of the “Golden Rule” and have tried to live it out in their lives.  The Golden Rule is a precious truth, a principle of ethics that all men recognize as being of invaluable worth.  Jesus calls on His followers to live by it.

  • General Thoughts- What the Golden Rule is NOT






  • Specific Thoughts- What the Golden Rule IS








February 11, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Ask, Seek, Knock”

                                                                              ~Matthew 7: 7-11

Prayer is the opportunity to invite the power of God into our lives on a daily basis. When we don’t pray, we cut ourselves off from God’s power.  But through prayer we invite God to be involved in our daily challenges and needs.


  1. ASK


  1. God’s Answers


  1. Prayer Steps


February 4, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service

                                                                                        "Intimacy with God"

January 28, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Hypocritical Judging”

                           Matthew 7: 1-6

In this scripture text, Jesus warns about being hypocritical in judging others. The kind of judging Jesus condemns is that which comes from a critical, complaining spirit.  Jesus provides us with some understanding about judging and gives us some principles of judgement.

  1. Know the Facts


  1. Know Your Weaknesses


  1. Know the Repercussions


  1. Know and Check Yourself


  1. Know Your Own Problem First


Janaury 21, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“God’s Word on Life”

                           Jeremiah 1: 5


What would you say is the most important thing concerning your life? Outside of your salvation, I believe most people would say living…being alive.  God is the Creator and Sustainer of life and it is His gift to us.

  1. God’s Word about the Womb


  1. The Atrocity of Abortion


  1. Action Steps
January 7, 2024 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“What’s the Worry?”

                                                                          Matthew 6: 25-34

Doctors tell us that worry can shorten our life.  Jesus said that He came to give us life.  In our Scripture text, Jesus provides us with insight on LIVING life, rather than worrying about life. There are two ways to approach life…faithfully or fearfully.  Worry is the main indicator that we are approaching life with fear, not faith.

  1. The Life Test
  2. The Value Test
  3. The Addition Test
  4. The Eternal Test
  5. The Who We Are Test
  6. The Priority Test
  7. The Sufficiency Test


December 31, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

Spiritual Targets for the New Year

                                                                           Selected Scriptures

What and where are you aiming your life?  What are the things you want to see in your life?  What steps are you taking to achieve these things?  Whatever targets we are pointed toward will be the direction our lives take and hit.  God’s Word provides us four spiritual targets to aim for in the New Year.

  1. Colossian 3: 12-17          What to Put On!


  1. Philippians 2: 1-4           Walk in Humility


  1. Ephesians 4: 29-32      Words, Attitudes, Actions


  1. 1 Peter 3: 8-9    Be & Give a Blessing!




December 10, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

Laying Up Treasures

~Matthew 6: 19-24

Every day we are making investment decisions, whether it’s with our time, our abilities, or our finances.  We look for the investments with the lowest risk and highest reward. Jesus addresses this topic of investments and provides us with insight on making the best investment in this life and the eternity.

  1. Treasures on Earth


  1. Treasures in Heaven




December 3, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

Your Motive Matters!

~Matthew 6: 1-18

In this Scripture text, Jesus is asking why we do the things we do.  What is the true motive behind our giving, our praying and our fasting.  Is it the approval and praise of men we are seeking? Or God’s?  Jesus helps us reveal our motives.

  1. The Motive of Our Giving


  1. The Motive of Our Praying


  1. The Motive of Our Fasting


  1. The Problem with Posturing


November 26, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

To God be the Glory

~Romans 11: 33-36

It is hard to be impressed in the world today.  While there will be new innovations and inventions in the future, for the most past, we have seen it all.  But when we take the time to think about God and what He has done, and who He is, we should be amazed!

  1. Be Amazed by God’s Activity (vs. 33)


  1. Be Amazed by God’s Position (vs. 34-35)


  1. Be Amazed by Who God Is (vs. 36)
November 19, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

Thankfulness: A Christian Lifestyle

~Selected Scriptures

The Bible tells us that in the last days, people will be ungrateful.  That reality is present around us. God’s Word also tells us that believers should foster and live out an attitude and lifestyle of thankfulness. Gratitude is a way of living that should flow from our lives daily.  Thankfulness is not seasonal.

  1. The 24 Elders


  1. Old Testament Thankfulness


  1. Thankfulness in Everyday Life


  1. Thankfulness vs. Complaining


November 12, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

Loving your Enemies

~Matthew 5: 43-48

In a day of terror attacks and wars between nations and people groups, the idea of loving one’s enemy does not seem to fit.  However, that is the message that Jesus is telling.  It is the Christian’s responsibility to love their enemies.  How does a person do this in our hateful world?

  1. Love How?
  2. Love in Action
  3. Love Reveals Ownership


November 5, 2023 25th Anniversary Celebration Service Worship Service

Grace Community Church

November 5, 2023


We encourage you to take time during the prelude to prepare your heart and life for worship.

Call to Worship

This is the Day


Welcome, Scripture, and Opening Prayer

Psalm 100                    Pastor Nathan Davis


Congregational Singing

Jesus, Firm Foundation


History of Grace and Charter Members

Pastor Kirk Larson

Special Music

“  By His Grace”                            Kerra Cossman


Video Tribute

Years of Grace”


Congregational Singing

“ Be the Center”


Special Music

“Great is Thy Faithfulness/Day by Day”        Taryn & Mirren Martin



“Pressing Toward the Mark; Seizing the Opportunity”

Dr. Jobe Martin, Biblical Discipleship Ministries


Special Music

“The Blessing”                Misty Clark


Closing Prayer            

Pastor Kirk Larson

October 29, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Responding to Mistreatment”

~Matthew 5: 38-42

As we live in this world, it’s likely we will be the object of someone’s unkindness, whether intentional or unintentional.  How should we respond?  In our scripture text, Jesus explains how to respond to someone who treats us unfairly.

  1. Response to Insult


  1. Response to Injustice


  1. Response to Inconvenience


  1. Response to Inadequacy


October 15, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service

  “Marriage & Divorce” (Part 2)

~Matthew 5: 21-26

Jesus focuses the attention of the people on marriage and divorce and reminds them that marriage was meant to be special. God instituted marriage as part of His special plan for mankind.  Though divorce was permitted, it was not God’s plan.

  1. Marriage- God’s Plan


  1. Divorce- Not God’s Plan


  1. Protecting Your Marriage
October 8, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Marriage & Divorce” (Part 1)

~Matthew 5: 21-26

Jesus focuses the attention of the people on marriage and divorce and reminds them that marriage was meant to be special. God instituted marriage as part of His special plan for mankind.  Though divorce was permitted, it was not God’s plan.

  1. Marriage- God’s Plan


  1. Divorce- Not God’s Plan


  1. Protecting Your Marriage
October 1, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“The Look of Lust”

~Matthew 5: 27-30

Sexual lust is obviously not a modern problem, but today, availability provides an enormous opportunity to be tempted with its desire. Nothing characterizes Western society more than lust.  Jesus has some very pointed words concerning lust and overcoming it.

  1. What is Sexual Desire?


  1. What is Lust?
  • Diminishes Value of Others
  • Devours the Person who Practices it.


  1. Winning the Battle over Lust
  • Radical Steps
  • Responsibility
  • Recognition
  • Renewal


September 24, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

  “Anger & Be Reconciled”

~Matthew 5: 21-26

It has been said that, “ANGER is one letter from DANGER.”  Anger is like a bomb hidden in one’s heart. It lies there, corroding the soul, waiting to go off.  Jesus speaks to the seriousness of anger and how we are to deal with it and be reconciled.

  1. How Anger Works & What Anger Does


  1. Be Reconciled
September 17, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Message

  “Fulfilling the Law”

~Matthew 5: 17-20

When most people think about the Old Testament Law, Moses and the 10 Commandments come to mind.  Some even say the Old Testament is not necessary to read or study; we are living in the New Testament.  But Jesus presents us with His insight concerning His relationship to the Law.


  1. How did Jesus fulfill the Law?


  1. Is the Old Testament Obsolete or Absolute?


  1. Are we to be Obey the Law?



September 10, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

  “Preservation & Illumination”

~Matthew 5: 13-16

Jesus called His followers to be salt and light in the world.  What does that mean and how do we live that out?  Our Christian lives must be lived out in the world.  It is not only having a private relationship with Jesus Christ but also being a public witness and taking a stand for the things of God.

  1. The Ministry of Preservation


  1. The Ministry of Illumination
September 3, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

  “God’s View of Work”

~Ephesians 6: 5-8

We are losing the importance and value of work in our society.  Our work ethic is diminishing and the idea of working hard for something is a passing thought.  God, in His Word, refreshes our perspective on work and gives us His view on how we should work.

  1. Your Work is a Gift from God.


  1. Your Work as a Gift to God






August 27, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“The Past Reveals the Present, and Determines the Future!”


The period of the Judges was a time in which Israel was caught in the web of religious pluralism.  A time of moral decline in which the people of God found themselves surrounded by a culture that flaunted bad, sinful behavior.  This sounds much like America today. What can we learn and gain from this period and turn things around?


  1. The Past


  1. Revealing the Present


  1. Determining the Future
August 20, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Understanding Temptation”

~James 1:13-18

In this world, temptation is not something we can escape.  From the beginning, Adam and Eve were tempted; Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, and we also will be tempted.  But we can overcome temptation and James provides us with four principles to do so.

  1. Reality of Temptation


  1. Responsibility for Temptation


  1. Replacement of Temptation


  1.  Reason for Temptation
August 13, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Living Right in a Wrong World”

~Selected Scriptures

Our world is headed in the wrong direction and it looks like a run-away train. Those in authority seem to be content to run things over the cliff.  And so, as believers, how shall we live?  How can we be influencers in a world gone mad?


  1. Places of Authority


  1. Responding to Peer Pressure


  1. Making Jesus Lord of Your Life


August 6, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“The Truth of God’s Love”

~John 3:16

The topic of God’s love is truly an overwhelming subject.  There is so much the Bible has to say about the love of God that one message cannot completely tackle it.  But there is one verse that provides seven truths about the love of God.

  1. God’s Love is Unconditional
  2. God’s Love is Sacrificial
  3. God’s Love is Valuable
  4.  God’s Love is Personable
  5. God’s Love is Accessible
  6. God’s Love is Non-Judgmental
  7. God’s Love is Beneficial
July 30, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Unfinished Business!”

~Philippians 1: 3-6

We all have had, or have now, projects that are unfinished.  We may have started something and then something else comes up that caused us not to finish.  The Apostle Paul reminds us that God is not finished with us.  The good work He began in us through Christ, He will finish.  This side of heaven, God continues to work in us, for His Glory.

  1. Remember God’s Great Love for You.


  1. Remember God is Working in You.


  1. Remember God Doesn’t See Failure in You.
July 23, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

  “Knowing the Time”

~Romans 13: 8-14


We have heard it said, “Timing is everything!”  The book of Ecclesiastes tells us, “There is an appointed time for everything…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) In our scripture text, Paul exhorts us to do some things knowing the time.  What are these things we are to do?  And what time is it?

  1. Time to Get Up


  1. Time to Straighten Up


  1. Time to Dress Up
July 16, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Being a Voice of Good News!”

~Acts 17: 17-34

What does it take to clearly and effectively communicate the “Good News” of the Gospel?  To answer this question, we look at the Apostle Paul, who was an effective communicator of the “Good News.”  In Paul’s life, we find some important elements that equipped and guided him in sharing the “Good News.”

  1. Powerful Passion
  2. Engage People on Common Ground
  3. Keep it Simple
  4.  Leave it to God
July 9, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

  “The Sacrifice of Freedom”

~Selected Scriptures

What does freedom mean to you?  Is freedom free to do what I please? Freedom to say what I want? Freedom from any restraints or responsibilities? Is there a cost for freedom? And who pays for it?  What would be our greatest freedom?  These are questions that need answers and Romans 5 provides those answers.

  1. The Blessing of Peace


  1. The Blessing of Access


  1. The Blessing of Glorious Hope


  1.  The Blessing of Suffering
July 2, 2023, Grace Community Church Morning Service

  “Turning America Around”

~Selected Scriptures

America has been moving away from its foundational principles for sometime and we are witnessing and living today with the results.  Whether it’s a nation, city, family or a person, anytime we forsake and replace the Word of God and the things of God out of our lives, the outcome will be a downward spiral of destruction and demise.

  1. America was settled for religious freedom.


  1. Our Founders wanted to please God and do His will.


  1. America acknowledged God’s Supreme Rule.









June 25, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“The Wonder of Marriage” (Part Two)

~Genesis 2: 18-25

The foundation of marriage is the bedrock of society as well as the nation.  Strong marriages are the rock upon which strong homes and families are built.  Marriages that are built on the firm foundation of Christ can withstand the challenges and difficulties that come and provide the opportunity for God’s blessings.

  1. Marriage:  Men’s Counsel


  1. Marriage:  Women’s Counsel


  1. Marriage:  Christ Centered


June 18, 2023 Grace Community Church Father's Day Service

“A Father’s Mission”

~Psalm 78: 5-8

As fathers, God has instructed us regarding our responsibilities and our accountability within the family.  The Psalmist provides us with a mission statement and commands fathers to carry it out with their families.  What God calls us to do, He will also provide what is necessary to make it happen.

  1. Teaching God’s Word


  1. Put Confidence in God


  1. Don’t Forget what God has Done


  1.  Keep His Commandments
June 11, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“The Wonder of Marriage”  (Part One)

~Genesis 2: 18-25

The foundation of marriage is the bedrock of society as well as the nation.  Strong marriages are the rock upon which strong homes and families are built.  Marriages that are built on the firm foundation of Christ can withstand the challenges and difficulties that come and provide the opportunity for God’s blessings.

  1. Marriage:  A Team


  1. Marriage:  One Flesh


  1. Marriage:  Christ’s Love
June 4, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“A Living & Walking Model”

~Selected Scriptures

Parenting is a two-way relationship…from the parents to the children and from the children to the parents.  The Bible says that parents are to be examples to their children and should find reason to be proud of their children.  This message challenges us as parents, to live and walk responsibly and consistently because our children will follow.

  1. Live and Walk Responsibly


  1. Live and Walk Consistently


  1. Live and Walk Truth


May 28, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Pleasing Sacrifices”

~Hebrews 13: 15-16

The aim of our lives should be to please God.  But how do we do that?  What standard of measure can we use to know if we are pleasing to Him?  This morning we are going to find out the answers to those questions, and hopefully one day we will hear God say to us, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

  1. Christ the Perfect Sacrifice


  1. Sacrifice of Praise


  1. Sacrifice of Good Deeds


May 21, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Faithful Family Investing”

~Deuteronomy 6: 1-9


The cultural environment in which God has called us to raise our children and bring them to faith is a troubling one.  Almost everything we see goes against the grain of Christian values and virtues.  Therefore, we must be faithful and steadfast to instill the things of God and His Word into the hearts and minds of our children.

  1. Why Invest in our Children


  1. What to Invest in our Children


  1. When to Invest in our Children


May 14, 2023 Mother's Day Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service

“A Mother’s Foundation of Faith”

~II Timothy 1: 3-7

As parents, we are extorted to bring our children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.   This message focuses on two mothers who took to heart this challenge and God honored their effort and work.  A mother’s influence is second to none and through her faith she can provide a foundation for her family.

  1. The Faith of a Grandmother- Lois


  1. The Faith of a Mother- Eunice


  1. The Faith of a Son- Timothy


May 7, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Are you Making a Difference?”

~Selected Scriptures

There is one thing that each of us wants to know concerning any activity we do in life…Are we making a difference? I believe each of us can make a difference and that difference in Christ can be eternal. 


  1. Run to Win


  1. Strict Training


  1. Prioritize Your Relationship with Jesus Christ
April 30, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service

*Please Note:  The audio for the first part of the service is not good.  It does improve further into it. We apologize for the inconvenience.

What Matters Most?”

~Selected Scriptures

Our world is constantly telling us what matters most… from the clothes we wear, to the cars we drive, to the places we live, and the people we should follow.  But there’s just one question, “Are these really the things that matter most?  Should the world be our source of value?

  1. Service~ Self or Others?


  1. Treasures~ Earthly or Heavenly?


  1. Kingdom~ Yours or His?


  1.  Time~ Foolish or Wise?


  1. Name~ Who’s Who or Book of Life?


April 23, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“The Law of Love”

~Matthew 5: 43-48

What is your response to those who hurt you, or offend you or even those you don’t like?  Jesus speaks to the issue of dealing with our enemies and how we should respond to them. Christian love is an act of the will, and not simply an emotion.

  1. The Mark of Maturity


  1. A Climate of Blessing


  1. A Testimony to Others
April 16, 2023 Morning Worship Service

“A Great Day Coming”

~II Peter 3: 1-10

There’s a great day coming and that day is the return of Jesus Christ, “The Day of the Lord.” In Peter’s second letter, he speaks of Christ’s return and how many will mock and even deny His return.  He writes to stir up believers and to remind them of Jesus’ promised return and to be ready!

  1. The Believer’s Remembrance


  1. The Mocker’s Ridicule


  1. The Lord’s Assurance


April 2, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

"Jesus Parade”

~Luke 19: 41-44

Who doesn’t love a parade?  It’s an exciting time of joy and celebration.  People are all in and having a good time.  These same feelings and emotions were a part of the crowd as Jesus rode into Jerusalem.  However, Jesus was experiencing a different mixture of emotions.

  1. Jesus Wept Over the City


  1. Peace was Hidden


  1. The Time of Your Visitation


April 9, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“First Importance”

~1 Corinthians 15


In our Bible text, Paul delivers to us things of first importance.  These are foundational truths to our faith and the finished work of Jesus on our behalf.  Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we have eternal hope, daily confidence, and everlasting assurance to live each day.

  1. The Resurrection Validates the Deity of Jesus


  1. The Resurrection Abolished the Last Enemy


  1. The Resurrection Confirms Forgiveness


  1. The Resurrection Declares the Single Most Hope-filled Event


  1. The Resurrection Proclaims Christ’s Payment for Sin


  1. The Resurrection Provides the Power of God in Christ Jesus
March 26, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Worthy Walking”

~Colossians 1: 9-12

In the scripture text, Paul challenges the believers at Colossae to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, and this challenge is for us as well.  As Paul prayed for them and their walk, he provides three areas in which they need to walk worthy.

  1. Spiritual Intelligence


  1. Practical Obedience


  1. Moral Excellence
March 19, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Nothing, but the Truth”

~2 Thessalonians 3: 1-5

We are living in a day and time where truth is hard to find.  We speak of the importance of truth in all areas of our lives and society, but often times it is the missing jewel. Paul challenges our lives with four responsibilities concerning truth…GOD’S TRUTH.

  1. Believe the Truth


  1. Guard the Truth


  1. Practice the Truth


  1.   Share the Truth


March 12, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Adding to Your Faith”  (Part 2)

~2 Peter 1: 3-11

The Christian life begins with saving faith; faith in the person of Jesus Christ.  God gives us everything we need to be partakers of the divine nature and to grow to be Christ-like. Peter encourages us to add to our faith, Godly attributes that produce fruit and maturity in our lives.

  1. Godly attributes
  • Goodness (Moral Excellence) The Word of God is the moral foundation for the believer.
  • Knowledge The believer’s source of knowledge is God’s Word for daily living.
  • Self-Control Attained knowledge; must be transformed into a disciplined life.
  • Perseverance Staying power under adversity.  Trust God to work in us through our trials.
  1. Evidences of Spiritual Growth
March 5, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Adding to Your Faith”

~2 Peter 1: 3-11

The Christian life begins with saving faith; faith in the person of Jesus Christ.  God gives us everything we need to be partakers of the divine nature and to grow to be Christ-like. Peter encourages us to add to our faith, Godly attributes that produce fruit and maturity in our lives.

  1. Godly attributes
  1. Evidences of Spiritual Growth
February 19, 2026 Grace Community Church Morning Service

                                         ” The Source of Conflict”

~James 4: 1-10

We all have found ourselves in a quarrel or conflict with someone.  It divides us and separates us from each other.  Relationships can be severed and friendships can end.  James outlines the causes and cures for conflicts and how we can overcome them for the glory of God and for the good of one another.


  • Conflict with Each Other


  • Conflict with Ourselves


  • Conflict with God


  • Instructions to Overcome
February 12, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

                                     "Understanding the Christian life”

~Philippians 3: 7-14


In this passage of Scripture, the Apostle Paul provides us with some insightful truth concerning the Christian life. He lays out the losses and gains. He speaks of the on-going steps of maturity. He challenges us to press forward.  He tells us to forget the past and he exhorts us toward the goal of Christ Jesus.

  • Losses and Gains


  • Dissatisfaction


  • Devotion


  • Direction


  • Determination


January 29, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

~Understanding the Christian Life ~

~Philippians 3: 7-14

In this passage of Scripture, the Apostle Paul provides us with some insightful truth concerning the Christian life. He lays out the losses and gains. He speaks of the on-going steps of maturity. He challenges us to press forward.  He tells us to forget the past and he exhorts us toward the goal of Christ Jesus.

  • Losses and Gains
  • Dissatisfaction
  • Devotion
  • Direction
  • Determination
January 22, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

~Choose Wisely ~

~Proverbs 3

Life offers us choices and within those choices, we are either creating building blocks or stumbling stones. Each choice we make counts and leads us in a direction, good or bad. This message provides five areas in which to choose wisely.


  • Trust and Honor the Lord


  • Hide God’s Word in Your Heart


  • Love One Another


  • Pick your Friends Wisely


  • Walk in Forgiveness
January 8, 2023 Grace Community Church Morning Service

~Four Commands…One Goal~

~1 Peter 4: 7-11

Life was not meant to be talked about, but lived. The Apostle Peter was a person of action.  He didn’t call for a committee; he just did what needed to be done.  In the text, Peter gives a game plan on how to live…Four Commands and One Goal!  Now just do it!


  • Use Good Judgement & Stay Calm in Prayer


  • Stay Fervent in Love for One Another


  • Be Hospitable Toward One Another


  • Keep Serving One Another


  • One Goal:  God’s Glory
December 25, 2022, Christmas Day Service

Welcome                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Pastor Kirk

Video                                                                                                                              A Christmas Welcome 

The Fulfillment of God’s Promise through Scripture and Song

Hymn # 172, vs. 1                                                                                                Tell Me the Story of Jesus

  • The Prophesies
    • Jeremiah 33: 14
    • Micah 5:2

Hymn # 141. Vs. 1, 4                                                                                          O Little Town of Bethlehem

  • Isaiah 11: 1-2
  • Malachi 3:1
  • Isaiah 7:14

Special Music                                                                                                         Breath of Heaven                                              Kerra Cossman

  • Mark 1: 1-3
  • John 1: 1-5
  • The Angel Visits Mary and Joseph
    • Luke 1: 26-28
    • Luke 1: 29-33
    • Luke 1: 34-38
    • Luke 1: 46-55

Video                                                                                                                              God with Us

Flute Solo                                                                                                                    In the Bleak Mid-Winter                          Felicity Campfield

  • Matthew 1: 18-19
  • Matthew 1: 20-21
  • Matthew 1: 22-25

Hymn #123, vs. 1, 2                                                                                           O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

  • The Birth of Jesus
  • Luke 2: 1-7

Hymn #147, vs. 1, 3                                                                                            Silent Night

    • Luke 2: 8-12

Hymn #157, vs. 1, 2                                                                                            Away in a Manger

    • Luke 2: 13-16

Hymn #131, vs. 1, 2                                                                                             Angels from the Realms of Glory

    • Luke 2: 17-20

Hymn #125, vs. 1, 4                                                                                           Joy to the World

  • The Visit of the Magi
    • Matthew 2: 3-8

Hymn #166, vs. 1-4                                                                                          We Three Kings

  • Matthew 2: 9-12
  • Isaiah 9:6
  • Galatians 4: 4-5

Special Music                                                                                                         O Holy Night                                                          Ella Gallagher

  • 2 Corinthians 9:15
  • Luke 2: 30-32

Devotion                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Pastor Kirk Larson

Song  (Insert)                                                                                                            O Come, Let Us Adore Him (His Name Shall Be)           

Video                                                                                                                                 Tiny Child, Mighty God


December 18, 2022 Grace Community Morning Worship Service

“Why Celebrate Christmas?”

~Selected Scriptures

Every year on Christmas Day, a phenomenon occurs in our country.  People everywhere exchange gifts.  All of this happens because of an event nearly two thousand years ago.  Whatever you think about Christmas, you must admit there's nothing like it in all of history.  Christmas is truly a magnificent occasion.


  • Prophecies Fulfilled


  • Purchased Redemption


  • Peaceful Possibilities


  • Purposeful Life


  • Promised Return
December 4, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“What does God Want??

~Selected Scriptures

With Christmas around the corner, and the getting of presents on our minds, we often ask each other, “What do you want?” Our intent is to get something for each other that is wanted.  Have you ever thought, “What does God want?  What could I give Him?”

  • He wants us to be saved.


  • He wants us to obey.


  • He wants us to serve.


  • He wants us to witness.
November 27, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“What’s the Temperature of Your Heart?

~Colossians 3: 23, 24

Jesus said, “In the last days, men’s hearts would grow cold.”  (Matthew 24) When Jesus Christ wrote to the church at Laodicea, (Revelation 3: 15-16) He condemned their “lukewarmness.”  What are you passionate about in your life?  Do you have a passion to serve and love God?

  • Passion’s Scope


  • Passion’s Strength


  • Passion’s Source
November 20, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Thanksgiving Ingredients”

~Colossians 1:12

Thanksgiving is once again upon us. Today’s message looks at the idea of the ingredients of Thanksgiving.  What specific things are a part of being thankful and expressing thanksgiving in our daily lives?

  • An Appropriate Attitude
  • The Acknowledge Agent
  • The Acceptance of Abundance
November 13, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Unacceptable Excuses”

~Luke 14:15-24


In our scripture text, Jesus is teaching about salvation, the gift of eternal life.  He tells a story of a Great Supper that a certain man was giving.  Those whom the man invited made excuses why they could not come.  Their excuses were unacceptable and they lost out.


  • The Supper


  • The Excuses


  • The Results


November 6, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service

   “Understanding Obedience”

~Selected Scriptures


        Obedience is an essential part of the Christian faith.  The act       of obedience in our lives determines the depth of our relationship with God.  In fact, Jesus said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.”  (John 14:15) If we love God, we will obey Him.  Obedience to God’s commands will make us light and salt in a dark and tasteless world.

  1. What is Obedience?


  1. Two Concepts of Obedience


  1. Does God Reward Obedience?


October 30, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Seeing through Deception”           ~Selected Scriptures


     The days in which we live are filled with deception.  There is probably not one area of our lives where we are not witnessing some kind of deception in the form of falsehood, dishonesty, misleading and lying.  Perhaps the most egregious form of deception is being found in our government and its leaders.  God’s Word has warned us that this would happen and that we must be on guard against it.

  • Areas of Deception









  • Areas of Direction







October 23, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“Devouring What God has Created”

~Selected Scriptures

We are living in destructive days in which Satan and demonic forces are attacking and trying to destroy the things that God has created. As Christians, we need to understand our times and stand and live out the Word of God.

  • Attacks on the Family


  • Attacks on the Government


  • Attacks on the Church


October 16, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

True Children of God”

~1 John 3: 1-10


It is easy to say that you are a Christian, but is there evidence that supports the claim?  John gives warning to us that in today’s world and in the church, there are counterfeit Christians.  In this passage of Scripture, God gives us a clear description of God’s children.

  • God the Father Loves Us


  • God the Son Died for Us


  • God the Holy Spirit Lives in Us
October 9, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

Living with Integrity”

~Psalm 26



What a challenge it is to live with integrity in our corrupt society and world.  The Bible describes integrity as the condition of being without blemish, uprightness, blameless, honest, and an adherence to a pattern of good works. King David asked God to check out his integrity.  This message does that for us with four examples of Biblical Integrity.

  1. Integrity doesn’t cover sin, but forsakes it


  1. Integrity isn’t faultless, but blameless


  1. Integrity isn’t manipulation but pure motives


  1. Integrity isn’t hypocritical but genuine
October 2, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

                                  “Dealing with Shame and Guilt”

Luke 22

How does one deal with shame and guilt in their life?  The apostle Peter provides us insight to this question.  Following Peter’s denial of Jesus, Peter experienced shame and guilt. He had made a promise to Jesus but didn’t keep it.  We can probably identify with Peter on promises made, but not kept.

  1. Dealing with Shame
  2. Dealing with Guilt
  3. Experiencing Conviction


September 25, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

                                 “What Happens When God is Removed?”

Selected Scriptures


     Consider this thought in your life, “If God was removed…” How would this affect your life, your values, and your world?  What would be the consequences in society if God was removed? Are we witnessing the reality of the removal of God in our country and our lives?

  1. We Lose Our Standard


  1. We Lose Our Purpose


  1. We Lose Our Worship
September 18, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

                                       “The Faith of the First Christians”

Acts 1  (Part 2)

The faith of the first century Christians changed the world by the advancement of the Gospel.  Through the power and leading of the Holy Spirit in the believers’ lives, the message of Jesus Christ was proclaimed.  Our world today needs a change. Are you available to change the world through Christ Jesus?


  1. They Believed in the Risen Christ

· Luke 24: 44-53

· Acts 1: 1-11

· John 7:39, 14:26, 15:26-27, 16: 7-11, 13-15

· Ephesians 1: 13-14

· Galatians 5: 16-ff

  1. They Believed in Each Other


  1. They Believed in Prayer


  1. They Believed in God’s Leading


September 11, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“The Faith of the First Christians”

Acts 1

The faith of the first century Christians changed the world by the advancement of the Gospel.  Through the power and leading of the Holy Spirit in the believers’ lives, the message of Jesus Christ was proclaimed.  Our world today needs a change. Are you available to change the world through Christ Jesus?

  1. They Believed in the Risen Christ


  1. They Believed in Each Other


  1. They Believed in Prayer


  1. They Believed in God’s Leading


September 4, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Message

“Why Work?”

Selected Scriptures

There are numerous answers to this question, “Why Work?”  How our answer is determined, will depend on our vantage point.  Work occupies much of our thinking and can dictate most of our lives.  The Apostle Paul provides us with some Godly advice on, “Why Work?”

  1. The Nature of Work


  1. The Purpose of Work


  1. The Result of Work


August 28, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service


“Wearing Jesus”

Colossians 3: 12-14

In our text, Paul provides us with some important imagery of “taking off” and “Putting on.”  This is in keeping with the idea of being dressed spiritually according to God’s plan for our lives.  Romans 13:14 says, “…put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh…”

  1. Clothe Yourself with Compassion


  1. Put on Kindness


  1. Bundle Up with Humility


  1. Wrap Up with Gentleness


  1. Cover Up with Patience
August 21, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service


“Times of Refreshing”

Acts 3: 19-21

There are times in our lives that we need to be refreshed spiritually, physically, emotionally, and in relationships. These times of refreshment can only be found permanently in Christ Jesus.  There are three areas in your life that, if they are refreshed in Christ, everything becomes new.

  • Attitude


  • Behavior


  • Commitment


August 14, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

Sermon notes                Pastor Kirk Larson        August 14, 2022

“Before & After Christ”

Ephesians 2: 1-10

What a contrast there is in the life of a person who knows Jesus and one who doesn’t know Him. Knowing Jesus takes us out of the great hopelessness of sin and places us in the glorious riches of Christ Jesus. Our text describes the contrast of life before and after Christ.


  1. Sin’s Work Against Us


  1. God’s Work For Us


  1. God’s Work Through Us
August 7, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

Living Forward             Selected Scriptures

Both Paul and Peter exhort believers to live forward as they face challenging and disturbing times.  They remind us of the things to come, but also on how we should live.  Their words are good medicine and provide needed direction as we live forward.

  1. Safeguards to Live By




  1. Why Stand for Something?



  1. Directives in Living Forward





July 31, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service

In Tune with God

Selected Scriptures

Can we live our own lives and be in tune with God? Can you do your own thing and be walking with God?  Our relationship with God requires each of us to make some adjustments in order to be in tune with Him.


  • What You Believe


  • What Areas of Adjustment


  • What Will You Do?




July 24, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

Don’t Worry About It!””

Philippians 4: 6-7

There are many things in life that can cause us to worry or be anxious.  But God does not want us to live a life full of worry and concern. He tells us to pray about worrisome situations so that we can be filled with peace.


  1. Worry About Nothing (4:6)


  1. Pray About Everything (4:6)


  1. God’s Peace will Guard You (4:7)


July 17, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

“A Faith to Stand On!”

Selected Scriptures

What is it in the Christian’s life that empowers us to stand?  That enables us to overcome? That makes it possible for us to be victorious? It is our “faith,” and that “faith” is in the person of Jesus Christ.  Faith plays a vital part in our everyday living and without faith, it is impossible to please God.

  1. Four Facts about Faith





  1. How to Know if You are Living and Acting by Faith





  1. How to Encourage Faith to Grow






July 10, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service

Dealing with Sin

1 John 1:5- 2:2

The Christian, even though he is saved, will at times, sin.  Because of those times of sin in the life of a Christian, how is the believer to deal with sin?  In 1 John, John lays out the steps to deal with sin in the believer’s walk.

  • Recognize God for Who He is
  • Recognize Sin for What it is
  • Assume Responsibility for Sin
  • Confess Your Sins
  • Take Your Position in Christ
July 3, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

The Declaration of Independence

Selected Scriptures

The Declaration of Independence in this country points us to the One who provides true freedom.  The early settlers were people who came primarily looking for religious freedom.  They proclaimed that they came to the new world for the “glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith.”


  • Self-Evident Truths


  • The Mayflower Compact


  • America’s Demise


  • What Must We Do as God’s People in America?
June 26, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

A Walk of Life

Psalm 1, Romans 12:21

Your walk of life is a choice.  It’s a place of decision, a choice of the will, a walk of obedience.  You and I are not to be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.  We must eliminate compromise!

  • Two Ways


  • Two Illustrations


  • Two Results



June 19, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

A Man of God

Micah 6:8

How would you describe a “Man of God” or “Person of God?” In Micah 6:8 we find God’s description of what the Lord requires. To do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God.

  • To Do Justice


  • To Love Mercy (Kindness)


  • To Walk Humbly with God
June 12, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

Born of God

II Peter 1:1-4

Birth!  What a miracle of God in which He forms and shapes us according to both our physical birth as well as to our spiritual birth.  It is God who makes it possible to be born.  When we are born of God, there is a change that occurs within our hearts and lives that assures us that we are children of God.

  • You Don’t Practice Sin


  • Your Life is Motivated by Love


  • You Overcome the World


  • You Overcome the Devil


June 5, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service

What’s Shaping Your Life?

1 Timothy 4: 7-8, 12

There are many things that influence our lives; some are good and some can be very destructive.  God, in His Word, provides us with discerning truth to evaluate the things that can shape our lives. What are you allowing to shape your life?


  • A Life Shaped by Everything and Anything


  • A Life Shaped by What is Only Temporary


  • A Life Shaped by What is Permanent



May 29, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service

What it Means to be a Soldier

Selected Scriptures

Memorial Day is a special time in our country to remember and honor the men and women who have fought and died to secure and protect our freedoms.  These soldiers have made tremendous sacrifices for our country and its citizenship. As Christians, we too, are called to this higher service of sacrifice.


  • Called and Equipped to Fight (Psalm 18: 31-35)


  • Fighting is Necessary for Freedom (Matthew 10:34-38)


  • Fighting Can Also Be Good (1 Timothy 6:12)


  • A Good Soldier is Committed (2 Timothy 2: 3-4)


  • A Soldier is Faithful Until Death (2 Timothy 4: 7-8)


May 22, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

Life After Graduation

Selected Scriptures

Graduating from High School, a Trade School or College is a great achievement.  Hard work and lots of energy has been required and now new opportunities are ahead.  But there are some important pursuits to keep in mind as one lives life after graduation.

  • Seek the Lord
  • Continue your Education (Learning)
  • Concentrate on People
  • Go to Work
May 15, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

A Full Course Meal

Selected Scriptures

The Lord’s Supper is a reminder of God’s redemptive love and grace through Jesus Christ.  It is a meal in which everything is provided for you and me by God.  This message takes a look at each of the servings of this “Full Course Meal.”


  • The Serving of the Elements


  • The Serving of Fellowship


  • The Serving of Anticipation
May 8, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

Happy Birthing Person’s Day~

Selected Scriptures

We are living in changing times and many of the changes are destructive to the foundation of society.  One such change is how we identify God’s created order of mankind. In the beginning God said, “The woman will bring forth children.” That has not changed and will not change. Women bear children. Women become mothers. Follow the science. Better yet…FOLLOW GOD.

  • Exchanging the Truth of God for a Lie


  • The 24/7 Tasks of Being a Mother
May 1, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service


to God’s Ways”

John 6: 16-21, Mark 6: 45-52


God speaks to us in different ways and at different time, but it is at these moments that our response is critical. We have a choice given by God to choose to obey God’s voice or not.  Our response affects our relationship with God, as well as with others.


  • Understanding God’s Ways


  • Responding to God
April 24, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

God is with You!

Selected Scriptures

God has promised that if we call upon Him, He will be with us in times of trouble and challenge.  He will walk through our trials with us, to be our Refuge, Strength, Shepherd, and Supply.  Do you trust in Him when you walk through the fire?

  • God’s Promises








  • When Do You Need God?


  • Walking Through the Fire



April 17, 2022 Easter Morning Worship Service

Believe it or Not

Selected Scriptures

What do you believe about the person of Jesus Christ?  While you may not completely understand everything found in the Scriptures, what do you believe concerning the life and ministry of Jesus?  How critical is His death and resurrection to your faith and belief?

  • The Women Came   (Matt. 28:1)


  • The Earthquake Came  (Matthew 28:2)


  • The Angel Came  (Matthew 28: 2-8)


  • Peter and John Came  (John 20: 1-9)


  • Jesus Came


April 10, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

"Who is This?"

Have you ever had someone ask you about a person and they said, "Who is that?"  I'm sure that we all have experienced this question. As Jesus entered Jerusalem, there was great excitement and wonder about who this Jesus was.  The multitude of people on that day answered the question, but gave the wrong answer.  How would you answer thie question, "Who is this?"

  • Who is This?
  • Three Lessons from Jesus' Entry
  • 1.   
  • 2.
  • 3.
April 3, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

The Mission of Edification

Selected Scriptures

We live in the midst of a culture that is tearing down the fabric of our society, our value system and even the mission of the church.  This “dog-eat-dog” mentality is tearing down others in an effort to somehow elevate self. As God’s people in this world, we have the opportunity to build up and edify one another both inside church and in society.


  • Edification- It’s Building up Others


  • Edification- It’s What We Pursue


  • Edification- It’s How We Care


  • Edification- It’s About God’s Word


March 27, 2022, Morning Service

Faithfulness Till He Comes

Matthew 25: 14-30

God wants us to do business until He comes.  This business is not ours, but His.  In Matthew, we find the parable of the talents, that challenges our lives to be diligent and faithful, and encourages us to look for His appearing.

· The Return

· The Responsibilities

· The Response

· The Reward

·   The Rebuke

· The Lesson

"Value Them Both" Amendment Special Meeting

March 27, 2022 Special Speaker, "David Beauchamp" from Kansans for Life gives information about "Value Them Both Amendment" that Kansans will vote on in August, 2022.

Roma Harris Funeral Service Livestream

Thursday, March 24, 2022


~Roma Harris, obituary~


Roma E. Harris, 90, died March 17, 2022, at Western Plains Medical Complex in Dodge City.  Roma Elaine (Strate) Harris, born January 24, 1932, went to be with her Savior on March 17, 2022.


Roma graduated from Kinsley High School and married her husband of 68 years, David Lee Harris of Kinsley.


Roma was a home maker, avid gardener, and mother three.  She was known for creating beauty, which included sewing, hand work, flower arrangement, gardening, and decorating.  Roma was a faithful believer in Jesus and a charter member of Grace Community Church of Dodge City.


Roma was proceeded in death by her husband, David, her parents, Fred Strate and Gladys (Ary) Strate, and her siblings Delpha (Strate) Vomberg, Lionel Strate, and Dave Kay Strate, and granddaughter Casi (Harris) Rott.


Her surviving relatives include her three children.  Brent and his wife, Pat Harris, Chadd and his wife Cindy Harris, and Shelley and her husband John Thaemert.  Six grandchildren: Jamie Rajewski and her husband Kyle, Katie Harris and Rusty Carpenter, Cari Harris, Rachel Miller and her husband Austin, James Thaemert, and six great-children.


Funeral service will be held at Grace Community Church on Thursday, March 24, 2022, at 2:00 PM with Pastor Kirk Larson presiding.  Burial will follow at Maple Grove Cemetery in Dodge City.


Memorials are suggested to Grace Community Church or Franklin Graham Ministries in care of the funeral home.  Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online guest book at

March 20, 2022 Morning Worship Service

Knowing the Time of Christ’s Return

Selected Scriptures

We are just like the disciples, who were curious about the Lord’s return.  When the disciples asked Jesus concerning His return, He answered them, but He didn’t give them what they wanted to know; He gave them what they needed to know. What do we need to know about His coming as we live with expectancy?


  • Who Knows When Jesus Will Return?


  • The Danger of Setting a Date


  • Attitudes the Lord Warned Against




March 13, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Message

Godly Transformation

~Psalm 19:7-14

              Humans suffer from many different physical ailments, and we have many types of medication to treat our conditions. It would be really nice if there was one pill to cover all sickness, but that has not been invented yet. Thankfully, there is one solution that solves all the spiritual problems we face and that is the Word of God!

I.            God’s Word Can Transform Us, 19:7-9


II.            Proper Perspective of God’s Word, 19:10-11


III.          Evidence Of Transformation, 19:12-14

March 6, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Service

Troubling Headlines

Selected Scriptures

As we look at the headlines. We could easily throw up our hands and say, “We’re headed toward destruction.”  We are facing increasing trouble in our world and things in our own country seem to be in disarray.  But, in the midst of all that is happening, God’s Word provides us with perspective and how we should respond.


  • A Prophecy


  • A Parable


  • A Picture



  • A Prescription





Memorial Funeral Service Link for Pauline Schnitzler

This is the link to the livestream feed from the funeral of Pauline Schnitzler.  Her funeral was at Grace Community Church on Thursday, March 3, 2022.  Pastor Kirk Larson officiating.

February 27, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Mesasge

Let No One Deceive You

Selected Scriptures

We are living in days of deception within the church and in the world.  Jesus tells us to “take heed that no one deceives you…” (Matthew 24:4). We must be on guard against deception. We must be aware where it comes from. We must recognize it and know how to overcome it.

  • Who is Behind Deception?


  • Principles of the Deception


  • Power Over Deception


  • Common Deceptions
February 20, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Message

Who are you Listening to?

Selected Scriptures

In our world, we live in the midst of all kinds of voices and messages.  Everyone has an idea or opinion.  So, how do we decided what to believe? What voices should we listen to and whose opinion really matters? There is one voice we ought to hear above all the others…the voice of Jesus Christ!


  • What Jesus Said About the Future


  • Why Jesus’ Words Should
    Be Heard Above All Others


February 13, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Message

The Love of God

Romans 5: 6-8

How would you describe the love of God? We define love in different ways and with different things.  The Apostle Paul, in Romans 5, provides us with a powerful understanding of depth and measure of God’s love for you and me.  It is the love like none other.


  • The Action of God’s Love







  • The Nature of God’s Love







  • My Response to God’s Love








February 6, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Message

Being Set Free

Matthew 6: 9-15

One of the greatest needs in the Christian’s life is to “walk in forgiveness.”  When we withhold forgiveness, it places us in bondage and cripples our spiritual life.  Unforgiveness provides Satan an opportunity in our lives that can rob and steal the joy of our salvation and hinder our relationship with God and others.


  • The Importance of Forgiveness


  • How Do We Forgive?


  • How Do We Walk in Forgiveness?
January 30, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Message

“Overcoming Temptation”

Matthew 4: 1-11

Temptation is a part of life, especially if we are living for the Lord.  Our enemy will try to attack and discourage us from glorifying God.  This should come as no surprise as Jesus was also tempted by the devil.  Thankfully, Christ shows us how we can overcome temptations and pass the test.


         The Test Begins (4: 1-2)


       Temptation #1- Independence (4: 3-4)


       Temptation #2- Manipulation (4: 5-7)


           Temptation #3- Idolatry (4: 8-10)


           The Test Ends- (4:11)

January 23, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Message

“The Importance of Life”

Selected Scriptures

Human life is sacred and is rooted in the Judeo-Christian teachings. Our Western culture continues to be engaged in a war of values concerning life.  As Christians, how do we join the battle concerning the sanctity of human life?

Why Should We Value Life?


How and Why has the Importance of Life Eroded in our Culture?


How to Stop the Erosion



January 16, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Message

“Mary’s Act of Love”

John 12: 1-8, Mark 14: 1-9

How do we express love to God?  Our Scripture text reveals what Mary did to express her love to Jesus and the outcomes from that act of love. She provides a good model for us for loving Jesus.


  • The Fragrance Filled the House


  • Loving Jesus Brings Criticism


  • Jesus Defends and Commends


  • Leave a Memory of Loving Jesus
January 9, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Message

“Will You Follow Jesus?”

Joshua 1: 1-18

A new year always offers an opportunity to change and seek a different direction in one’s life.  It provides a break from the past and its influences with a hope of better days ahead.  We look at the life of Joshua as God counsels us about who or what we are following.

  • The Past is Over


  • By Faith Move Forward


  • Obey God’s Word


  • Be Prepared when God Calls


January 2, 2022 Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service

“Our Objectives in Ministry”

Acts 2: 41-47

It’s been said, “Ministry is like mercury…it’s hard to get a grip on it, and if you grasp it too tightly, it can slip away.”  Hopefully, today’s message will increase our awareness of how God has planned His body to function and to stay on course. Four major objectives…

  • Worship


  • Instruction


  • Fellowship


  • Witness



December 26, 2021 Grace Community Church Morning Message

“Has Christmas Made a Difference?”

Selected Scriptures

When you think of Christmas and what took place with the coming of Jesus to earth, everything changed. Everything took on a different meaning.  Life as they knew it and life from that point on, would never be the same.  Has Christmas made a difference in you?  In your life? In your future?


  • The Difference Jesus Makes


  • The Difference You Can Make


December 19, 2021 Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service

“Anticipating the Birth of Christ”

Luke 2: 36-38

The woman called Anna provides us with the testimony of spiritual commitment and passionate witness. Her life was difficult and filled with sorrow and loss, but the priority of her life was to be pleasing to her God.


  • The Woman of Witness


  • The Message of Her Witness
December 12, 2021 Grace Community Church Morning Message

Please view this video from the live stream on our Grace Community Church FaceBook page.


“Anticipating the Birth of Christ”

Luke 2: 25-35

Anticipation is a powerful force in our lives.  It can bring a range of emotion and activity. It can intensify our feelings about events and situations.  A man called Simeon was anticipating the coming of the Messiah and it impacted every facet of his life.  How does the birth of Christ impact you?


  • The Life of Devotion



  • The Life of Hope





"A Living Nativity" December 11, 12, 2021


                                                                                      "A Living Nativity"


Click on the link above, or copy and paste it into your browser,  to view  the filming of the "Living Nativity" that Grace Community Church presented on December 11 and 12, 2021.  Please note that the video is dark to begin with, but as the story unfolds, you will be able to see the set. Thank you for watching our presentation of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

December 5, 2021 Grace Community Church Morning Message

Please view this video from the live stream on our Grace Community Church FaceBook page.


What are You Presenting to the Lord?

Psalms 90:12

When it’s all said and done, life is between God and you!  The days we have are numbered, but how are we using them?  How are we investing these days?  May God give us the wisdom necessary to live out our days with eternal value.


  • Why Number Our Days?


  • Presenting a Heart of Wisdom
November 28, 2021 Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service

Why Grow in Christ?

Selected Scriptures

Being a child of God is the greatest privilege in life and becoming more like Jesus is the greatest challenge for any believer.  The new birth in Christ is not the end of the Christian experience; it’s the beginning.  It’s God’s invitation to grow. Why grow?


  • Growth is the normal expression life


  • To bring joy to our Father


  • We can fulfill the purposes of God in our lives


  • We don’t want to waste the grace of God


  • We desire to be obedient to the commands of God
November 21, 2021 Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service

A Prayer of Thanks

Selected Scriptures

“Thanks!” A simple word but a far reaching impact. It says so much about the one saying it and mean so much to the one receiving it. Thanks is a word we are taught at an early age. It’s a virtue that expresses gratitude and appreciation for people, things and opportunity. Thankfulness is a quality that God desired in all of us.


  • God is Good


  • God is Great


  • God Deserves Thanks
November 7, 2021 Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service

We apologize for the quality of this programming. We have been having technical difficulties with the FaceBook Livestreaming. Please be patient as we try to work through these difficulties.


“Darkness and Light”

Selected Scriptures

We are living in a world that pushes and pulls us between light and darkness; between goodness and evil; between love and hate, and between creation and destruction.  Our problem isn’t just that we live in a sinful world, but that we live in a world of sinful people.  Our sin affects everything.  But Light, in the person of Jesus Christ, has come to overtake the darkness.


  • Darkness


  • Light


  • What are we to do?


"A Famine of Truth"

A Famine of Truth

Amos  8:11, 12

The Bible teaches that there will be a famine of truth in the last days.  This Biblical prediction was proclaimed by the prophet Amos, who said, “Prepare to meet your God, O Israel!” Even though there is an explosion of knowledge today, there seems to be no appetite for truth, especially the infallible truth of God’s Word.


  1. Spiritual Hunger


  1. Spiritual Malnourishment


  1. What are we to do?
October 24, 2021 Grace Community Church Morning Message

“The Coming One-World Government”

Selected Scriptures

The Bible tells of a one-world government coming in the future.  However, the Bible records that there have been attempts to globalize the world into a single ruled world.  Knowing of this globalization in the future, how should we be living in the present?

  • Past One-World Rulers


  • Future One-World Ruler and Government


  • What are We to Do?
October 10, 2021 Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service

Message title:  Seeking Godly Wisdom    1 Kings 3     Pastor Nathan Davis

October 3, 2021, Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service

Message Title, "The Essentials for Life"   Jude 20-21  Pastor Kirk Larson


“The Essentials for Life”

Jude 20-21

What is needed for life today?  What things are essential for living in today’s world?  What could you not live without?  Tucked away in the book of Jude, we find God’s instructions to believers of the essentials for living then, and now.

  • Building a Holy Faith


  • Praying in the Holy Spirit


  • Keeping in the Love of God


  • Living with Expectant Hope
September 26, 2021 Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service

“The Placement of Your Life”

Luke 14: 25-35


 Our society generally does not breed strong commitment. The level of commitment seems to be governed by the thought, “What’s in it for me?” The self-fulfillment ethic seduces us to believe that we have no higher loyalty than one to ourselves.  In our scripture text, Jesus provides us with a different placement of our lives.

  • The Conditions of Discipleship






  • The Cost of Discipleship


September 19, 2021 Grace Community Church Morning Worship Service

Today’s Message

“Building Christ-Like Relationships”

Selected Scriptures


Jesus came to earth to connect with people and provide them a way to God.  We are most like Jesus when we are involved with people and touching their lives with the message of God’s love for them.   There were three main connections that Jesus had with people.


  • Redeeming Relationships


  • Restoring Relationships


  • Reviving Relationships